So why the name change from Nick to Clover?

Don’t worry we don’t have a new baker! The owner and main baker of Duck Duck Goat Farm and my wonderful spouse realized a couple of years ago that they are not comfortable living as a man and began taking steps toward living as a woman. She is now ready to go by her new chosen name of Clover. The current political climate is very scary to us as we see how other States in the US are demonizing trans people and taking away their rights, even here in Vermont a few months ago a trans woman was murdered and the pride center in Burlington was vandalized during her memorial! We have been very hesitant to come out because of things like this but we hope that our neighbors here can accept that we are the same people who just want to bake bread and look after our gardens and animals. We saw how wonderful and nurturing and this community is here by all the well wishing emails and offers of help that we received when we had Covid and this is what made us feel safe enough to go ahead with this announcement.

Hope to see you all at the farm stand soon!



2023 A Year of Highs and Lows


Measures to combat Avian Flu