Meet the Animals

The Goats

We have 3 beautiful Nigerian Dwarf adult does (females). They are called Maple, Juney and Peanut! They are very playful and all have distinct personalities. Peanut, the oldest of the 3 is the greediest both for food and attention. Juney is sweet natured and is a very good forager. Maple is the most independent and adventurous and is always the first to climb on a new toy or structure.

We have 3 baby goats (though growing fast!): Manju (boy) and Mochi (girl) are Juney’s twins and Nugget is Peanut’s baby girl. They are so sweet and rambunctious and enjoy forge walks as much as their mothers!


The Cayuga Ducks

We have 4 female Cayuga ducks. They are a black variety of duck that get splotches of white as they age. Their eggs are very large and a mixture of light grey and white in color. Duck eggs have large yolks and are particularly good for baking and make mega creamy scrambled eggs. As a favorite treat our ducks love to eat peas and greens added into their pond or water tub.


The Isa Browns and the Red Sex Link Hens

We have 1 Isa Brown and 1 red sex link hens. The coloring for both kinds is orangey red with touches of white (the red sex links are a slightly darker shade of red). Their eggs are large to extra large and brown, some with lots of brown speckles and some a more matt bloom. These girls go crazy for zucchini and cucumbers!


The Easter Eggers

We have 3 Ameraucanas and 1 Green Queen. These bird types are often referred to as Easter Eggers due to the color of their eggs. The Ameraucana’s lay blue eggs and the Green Queen lays green eggs (which of course taste great with ham!)

The Olive Eggers

We have 2 Olive Eggers, they lay beautiful olive green colored eggs!